Wednesday, 26 September 2007

Pictures and Publishers

I (and the excellent Claire and Martin) have been gathering images for Hamish's book for the last year now. We have a large stock pile of ads from 'Persil Washes Whiter' and 'Smash Martians' to 'Skoda Fabia - Bakers'.

Initial instructions were for 'high resolution' images, 300 dpi. So, for the last year, we have been asking for exactly that from agencies and clients.

Last week, I received an e mail from our otherwise excellent publishers explaining that they actually needed black and white images at 600 dpi resolution. Oh dear. So this week, I have had the unenviable task of writing to the 50+ people who kindly supplied us with images in the first place, asking for an ultra high resolution image. It became increasingly clear that most images are just not stored at that quality, nor have any need to be.

So the result is that I now have about three images which, amazingly, are the required resolution, and a lot more that are not. The one thing I just don't understand is why, when 300 dpi is good enough for A3 ads, is it not good enough for a 100mm by 80mm book plate?

Friday, 21 September 2007


I've been thinking a lot about networks over the past week. Reading the trade press, you would think networks were a terribly new thing, invented circa 2004 and called Facebook.

Actually, networks have been part of the human condition for a long, long time. I imagine stories, tales and sagas were passed on from person to person through networks, long before the written word. Footpaths and roads have always existed, latticing the country in a network.

I think, given the current topicality of digital networks, it is important to remember that the word 'network' has a wider meaning that just Bebo, My Space and Facebook. The really interesting thing is not that digital networks exist, but how they differ (or otherwise) from more traditional networks.

Tuesday, 11 September 2007


My visit to see Atonement was quite eventful. We settled down into our seats at Odeon Tottenham Court Road, just as the film was starting. The room was completely quiet. Too completely quiet, it soon became clear. There was no sound for the first 20 minutes. The whole cinema revolted, led by a fabulous Australian girl. The manager was apologetic, but no, he couldn't start the film again. He explained this was because of the digital technology. I would like to believe him, but my cynical side suspects it may have been more to do with the fact they didn't want to spoil their schedule. To make a long story shorter, we eventually got our money back and some complimentary tickets; which I felt was the only appropriate course of action for the manager after our Friday night had been a bit of a disaster.

On Sunday, we decided to try again. We also decided that, as we had guest passes, we would go to the huge Odeon in Leicester Square. We got fabulous seats and the film was fantastic in my humble opinion (although it would seem Cosmo from The Times is a harder man to please). Keira Knightly's acting was much better and the cinematography was stunning. Odeon made amends for Friday night's fiasco; their brand equity is now higher in my eyes!

Friday, 7 September 2007

The Battle of Big Thinking

I have a flyer for the 3rd Annual Branded Content Forum on my desk. It looks really interesting. So I am going to go.

In my time at the IPA, I've been lucky enough to go to loads of interesting conferences and seminars. Not only have they helped me do my present job, but have filled my head with all sorts of random facts and ideas, which will hopefully be useful in the future.

The one conference which I'd love to go to is 'The Battle of Big Thinking'. I've heard it was great last year, but I haven't managed to get hold of a ticket for it yet go there will be one of my New Year 2008 resolutions, I think.

Thursday, 6 September 2007

Planning Books

I love books. I am regarded as bizarre by my friends as I probably read more than I watch T.V.

One of my many favourite books is Atonement by Ian McEwan. This is mainly because it is stunningly, beautifully written. I like the plot as well, but if I could ever frame a sentence as perfectly as Ian McEwan, I would be a very happy girl.

When discussing the film and Ian McEwan generally in the office, it became increasingly clear that not everyone shares my high opinion. 'Pretentious b******!' was one of the more extreme responses. I am sure he probably is; great writers are not known for being likable human beings in general, but I'm still going to wax lyrical about Atonement.

I am going to see the film tomorrow, which I am quite intrigued by. I usually find Keira Knightly wooden, so I hope she raises her game.

On the subject of books, I have decided to read a few about planning, in preparation for my secondment at BBH. I've already read a few, but manged to miss 'Truth, Lies and Advertising', which is apparently essential reading. I will be curling up with that tonight.