Thursday 5 April 2007

The Results...

The IPA Foundation Certificate results arrived in my inbox this morning. Last night, I had been re-analysing the exam in my head, and found that, actually, it wasn’t in my head anymore! I’d completely forgotten most of the questions. So I decided there was absolutely no point worrying about it!

I’ve sat a lot of exams in my life, more that I care to think about or remember really. I also feel, quite strongly, that a lot of them were pointless. No one is ever going to ask me exactly what GCSEs I managed to get – I can barely remember them myself. Each stage was merely a hoop to jump through to the next set of exams, in turn to that mythical, elusive creature, a good job. Ever felt like a hamster in a wheel? I did.

However, I am also pragmatic enough to realise they are a necessary evil, no one having thought of a better way to put people in neat little boxes (usually marked A, B or C). I also know that, without passing a few of those pesky exams, I would not be sat here, in beautiful Belgravia, now.

Despite myself – I’m almost ashamed to admit – I quite like taking exams. It is almost a cathartic experience, getting all that revision off your chest. Revision is the stuff that is really miserable, sat on your bed staring at the tort of negligence ‘til you’re cross-eyed, when everyone else is at barbeques. Luckily for me, I found the content of the Foundation Certificate pretty engaging back in February, which is more than I can say about my law exams!

So my revision days are over for a while, until I decide to put myself through it again, because I actually did pretty well in the Foundation Certificate. So well, in fact, that I think a visit to the pub is required on the way home tonight!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well done Caz G & G