Thursday 26 April 2007


I trudged to Tesco HQ in the rain. It is grey. Everything about Tescoville is grey. Or maybe it was just my mood.

I left the station and turned the corner, expecting the ubiquitous glass tower that seems to be the bastion of British business in the 21st century. What I am confronted with is definitely not glass, not even grey glass.

Tesco HQ is the ugliest, most run-down looking, set of buildings I have ever had the pleasure to visit due to work. In a strange way, this is quite refreshing and certainly grabs my attention in a way more pleasing architecture would not. It was also brown, not grey.

When asked about the ‘low-key’ buildings, as we diplomatically put it, this marketing director’s answer was interesting. Tesco is not a flashy brand, and therefore, rather than have a flashy new building, they would rather spend that money on the consumer.

Standard marketing patter, the more cynical among us would say. Normally, as a cynic going by the name of disillusioned idealist, I would agree.

However, there was a small part of me that believed him.

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